Queer Shiur

QUEER SHIUR is our Teaching Kollel’s monthly cross-cohort gathering space to learn from / with scholars and educators who are teaching Torah that emerges from Queer experiences. Here you’ll find recordings of previous sessions, along with the schedule of what’s to come!

November 21st, 3:00-4:15 PM ET – Devin Samuels, SVARA’s Fall 2021 Scholar-in-Residence | “Incorporating Art into the Non-Art Classroom”

December 12th, 2:00-3:15 PM ET – Julia Watts Belser | “The Politics of Risk & Resistance: Queer Feminist Disability Ethics in the Cave of Shimon bar Yohai”

January 23rd, 2:00-3:15 PM ET – Joy Ladin | “Deimorphism”

Stay tuned for new dates for Queer Shiur with Noam Sienna, Enzi Tanner, and Jess Belasco (of SVARA Fellow fame!).