Meet the SVARA Team

All of us on team SVARA are here to support your journey in the Pedagogy Chaburah in different ways. The team that will be most directly leading y’all through this adventure is:

Program Director: Laynie Soloman, SVARA’s Associate Rosh Yeshiva. Laynie’s here for whatever you need!

Teaching Team: These folks are here to help you, guide you, support you, teach you, learn from you along your journey in the Pedagogy Chaburah! They’ll be running shiurim, teaching workshops, and beyond. The Pedagogy Chaburah Teaching Team is: Laynie Soloman (Faculty), Benay Lappe (Faculty), and Gray Myrseth (Fairy).

Pedagogy Chaburah Support Team: These folks are here to make sure that you have the materials that you need to learn, teach, thrive! They are: Ren Finkel (ask Ren about about accessibility/access needs and logistics), Amir Weg (ask Amir about resources, materials, and portals as you’re learning & teaching), Olivia Devorah Tucker (ask Olivia about packages and Zoom things).