About the Bet Midrash

Dates & Time: Wednesday, June 15–July 20 | 6:00-8:00 PM ET | 5:00-7:00 PM CT | 3:00-15:00 PM PT

Teacher: R’ Bronwen Mullin

Zoom Link: Access shiur here! (Meeting ID: 825 4005 4736)

About the text: Dig into a sugya that—on the surface—deals with questions of wealth (re)distribution, justice, and giving tzedakah (just giving). We’ll structurally explore the nature of rabbinic logic and interpretation, and address core concepts related to kra-proofs and svara throughout our shiur.


Welcome to the Bet Midrash! We’re so thrilled to be learning with you in the coming weeks. We’ve designed this Bet Midrash as an opportunity for learners of all levels & experiences to explore Talmud or develop their learning skills in a rigorous and joyful queer-normative community as we learn to become players in, with, and through the tradition. 

If you’re new to learning with SVARA, please plan to attend the following:

  • New SVARA-nik Orientation: This conversation will introduce you to SVARA and Rabbi Benay Lappe’s CRASH Talk as a framework for the Talmud study we engage in at SVARA. Join us Thursday, June 9th @ 8:00–10:00 PM ET | 7:00–9:00 PM CT | 5:00–7:00 PM PT. Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 833 7550 7327)
  • How to Learn Talmud SVARA-Style: This introduction will be held 45 minutes before the first shiur of this bet midrash to explore how we learn Talmud in the SVARA method. Join us Wednesday, June 15 @ 5:15 PM ET | 4:15 PM CT | 2:15 PM PT at the same Zoom Link as shiur (Meeting ID: 825 4005 4736)

If at any point you’re feeling lost or could use an extra boost, reach out to Bronwen or a fairy. You can also grab time in Fairy Hours where our team is available to connect one-on-one & offer support for your learning or whatever’s on your mind.

Using this Portal

This portal should have all of the goodies you need as we navigate our online learning together! Use the menu on the left to help you find what you’re looking for: our weekly text breakdown, important links, etc! We’ll add more content as we get closer to our start date.