Text Breakdown and Recordings

In Queer Talmud for Beginner’s Mind with Laynie we will learn a sugya from Bava Batra 12a. The weekly breakdown below is provided to help you find your place in class. The magic of our learning happens in the beit midrash with your chevruta, so please don’t prepare this material in advance! Recordings of the text being read and translated will be added below after each session.

Session 1 (Zoom Recording & Slides from June 14)

After getting oriented to Talmud study, we will begin our learning in the gemara toward the bottom of Bava Batra 12a, with the text below.

Session 2 (Zoom Recording from June 21)

אמר רבי אבדימי דמן חיפה מיום שחרב בית המקדש

Text Vocalization/Inside/Outside

Session 3 (Zoom Recording from June 28)

ניטלה נבואה מן הנביאים וניתנה לחכמים

Text Vocalization/Inside/Outside

Session 4 (Zoom Recording from July 5)

 אטו חכם לאו נביא הוא

Text Vocalization/Inside/Outside

Skipped Material (Portal Bonus)

הכי קאמר אף על פי שניטלה מן הנביאים מן החכמים לא ניטלה

Text Vocalization/Inside/Outside

Session 5 (Zoom Recording from July 12)

אמר אמימר וחכם עדיף מנביא שנאמר ונבא לבב חכמה

Text Vocalization/Inside/Outside

Session 6 (Zoom Recording from July 19)

Chazara-thon and Siyum!