Winter Intensive 2022

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Time (EDT) Time (CDT) Time (MDT) Time (PDT) Sunday, February 27
12:00–12:30 PM 11:00–11:30 AM 10:00–10:30 AM 9:00–9:30 AM Welcome, Arrive & Ground for the Day
12:30–1:45 PM 11:30–12:45 PM 10:30–11:45 PM 9:30–10:45 AM  Exploring Sacred Rest w/ Frankie
1:45–2:30 PM 12:45–1:30 PM 11:45–12:30 PM 10:45–11:30 AM Break
2:30–4:00 PM 1:30–3:00 PM 12:30–2:00 PM 11:30–1:00 PM Jewish Studio Process Session w/ R’ Adina Allen
Time (EDT) Time (CDT) Time (MDT) Time (PDT) Monday, February 28
12:00–12:30 PM 11:00–11:30 AM 10:00–10:30 AM 9:00–9:30 AM Welcome, Arrive & Ground for the Day
12:30–1:45 PM 11:30–12:45 PM 10:30–11:45 PM 9:30–10:45 AM Healing-Centered Facilitation w/ Enzi Tanner
1:45–2:30 PM 12:45–1:30 PM 11:45–12:30 PM 10:45–11:30 AM Break
2:30–3:30 PM 1:30–2:30 PM 12:30–1:30 PM 11:30–12:30 PM Share-a-Practice
3:30–4:00 PM 2:30–3:00 PM 1:30–2:00 PM 12:30–1:00 PM Closing


There are some tiny things we’re asking y’all to gather and/or think about ahead of our time together. 

  1. For our exploration of rest on Sunday with Frankie, please bring one text about the idea of “rest” that is meaningful to you. (Note: We encourage y’all to think expansively about “text”! This does not have to be a Jewish text, nor does it have to be a formal “text.”)
  2. For our session on Sunday afternoon with R’ Adina Allen, please take a look at this guide to setting up your home studio & think ahead about where you’d like to be and what you’ll need for that session.
  3. For Monday’s Share-A-Practice session, please come prepared to share a practice (any practice!) that you find meaningful, joyful, grounding, or significant in some way. We’ll each have a chance to learn and share in small groups. (Note: This is a very light facilitation lift that should require little preparation for you! Think: What is something I love to do in a short interval of time that brings me joy, helps me relax, and/or helps me become more present? Past practices have included: doodling while listening to ambient music, writing a love letter to yourself, preparing and drinking tea, having a dance party, etc.)