Shiur Recordings

Click on a date below to view a recording of shiur from that day.

October 14, 2020 Password: NMU5y?h+
Discussion of bell hooks essays begin at 1:43.

October 21, 2020 Passcode: A+T3q%9&
We did not get to a discussion of the assigned reading; we will begin with it on Nov 4.

November 4, 2020 Passcode: Y%kPEm1@
We began with a post election check in and shiur starts at ~0:37. We again did not get to our discussion of the assigned pedagogy readings; we plan to discuss both the second bell hooks and Beth Berila readings next week.

November 11, 2020 Passcode: 2L?HB+Lf

November 18, 2020 Passcode: =3^Dm3cc
Discussion discussion of our essays finally took place in the first ~40 minutes of this shiur.